Welcome to the Scottish Classic Motorcycle Club
Our classic bikes are for riding…

When the Scottish Classic Motorcycle Club was founded in 1976, we initially operated the Strathtay and Fife areas, but our activities now extend further afield. Although we’re still largely concentrated in East Central Scotland, we now welcome members from all areas of Scotland, and our events reflect that.
The ethos of the club is simple: We enjoy riding our classic bikes, so the emphasis of our club is to keep your bikes on the road, not stored in the garage or brought to events on a trailer.
We define as Classic anything over 15 years old, but nobody will turn up their nose if you arrive on something more modern as your daily ride. Many members have projects that haven’t left the shed yet…

UPDATE: March 2025
Spring is on it’s way and the clocks go forward at the end of this month – hurray!
If you haven’t already signed up for the Scotia Challenge, why not do so now and enjoy getting out and about on some of the ‘roads less well travelled’ on your motorcycle.
Our March club night will be on Wednesday 12 March at Ye Olde Hotel, Leuchars – our last time at this venue. Next month we move to the Balmullo Inn…
Whatever the weather, you can get involved in virtual tyre kicking in the club’s Facebook Group.
Side note: If you want to find out about the events other clubs are running in Scotland this year, check out the Scottish Vintage Vehicle Federation Year Book – it’s available online and is mailed out to club members who are on our books at the end of December each year.
Our key event – open to members only – is the Scotia Challenge. This involves riding to 45 checkpoints throughout the country, usually involves some island hopping, and even the odd foray South of the border. The aim of the challenge is to achieve a coveted Gold or Platinum Award.
We hold a monthly club night at the Balmullo Inn. Just come along on the 2nd Wednesday of the month – from 7pm onwards – and enjoy the good craic and plenty of classic bikes on the lichty nights. Non-members are welcome, even more so if they bring along full wallets and join up on the night!
From May to August there is a second club night on the 4th Wednesday of the month – at varying locations – check the STOP PRESS box for details.
There is no club night in December – instead the membership and their partners repair to a larger venue for a pre-Christmas meal, more good craic and the Scotia Challenge awards ceremony.
If you think you might enjoy what we do, please come and join us. New members are always welcome!August